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Laila sees the big Christmas Tree

Laila and Salim met Anna at Rockefeller Center to look at the big Christmas Tree:

Laila and Anna see the big Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

Laila at 18 months

Three weeks ago, Laila visited the pediatrician for her 18-month checkup. She received DTAP, polio, and flu vaccinations. She is now fortified for a winter of flu exposure. She measured 33 inches (75th percentile), a gain of three inches from her fifteen-month checkup; she weighed in at 23 lbs 12 oz (50th percentile), a gain of about two pounds. We knew this, because she enjoys stepping on the scale each morning. Laila at her 18 month checkup Cf. Laila at nine months. I am not sure I wrote updates for twelve and fifteen months!

Laila eating her first egg

Laila eating her first egg, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Laila at nine months

At her nine months' check-up, Laila measured 28.25 inches (71.75 cm), weighed 19.1 pounds (just over 8.6 kg), and had a cranial circumference of 44.25 cm.
Laila at her nine-month checkup
She received immunizations for Hepatitis B (second round), the second part of the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines, and the pneumoccocal conjugate. Compare to six months, when she measured 26 inches and weighed almost 17 pounds.

Laila at six months

At her six months (and eleven days) appointment, Laila weighed in at 16 pounds, 14 ounces (7.65 kg), and measured 26 inches (66 cm); her cranial circumference is 42.5 cm.

Laila on the exam table

She received four immunization shots: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP); Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib); the Pneumococcal conjugate; and the seasonal (not "swine") 'flu shot.

The exciting part of the appointment was discussing her mobility! and her new diet of solid foods! We will begin mushing bananas and apples for her, and applying them in three- or four-day stretches. At two meals each day, we will give Laila a few spoonfuls of the fruit du jour, and see how she enjoys it (and whether we can successfully navigate the spoon into her mouth). Before that, we must pick up some supplies: bibs! spoons! tarpaulins for the floor! …

Previously, at four months, Laila weighed 15 pounds, 5 ounces (more than one stone! just under 7 kg!), and measured 25 inches (63.5 cm); her cranial circumference was 41cm. Compare to her three-month checkup (and two-months, and one-month, and at birth).