February 2010 Archives

Laila and Anar reading

Laila and Anar reading, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Laila and Anar reading about bagels.


Laila, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Laila and her elephant taking a break

After an arduous elephant safari, even the most intrepid of explorers needs a rest.

Laila giving froggie a hug (& patting his back)

Laila at lunch time

Laila at lunch time, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Laila was clapping enthusiastically even before the hors d'oeuvres (Cheddar cheese) before the broccoli soup and a chicken meatball.

Laila crawling around with her valentine

Laila received a Valentine in the post, as well as a package, and scooted all 'round the apartment carrying the envelope.

Laila enjoying a tube of Cenovis

While Anna makes her feelings towards this Helvetian treat quite clear, Laila shows considerable interest in it.

Laila playing indoors

Laila, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

We had a snow day! Laila watched the snow falling a little, and chased the cat, and played with all of her toys, and walked around (with her mom's assistance), and chortled plenty.

Laila watching the washing machine

She really enjoys having clean clothes, this kiddo.

Laila and Anna out for a walk

Laila and Anna out for a walk, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Laila has been taking late-afternoon walks the past few days, even as the sun goes down and the air becomes cooler. She bundles warmly in a hat and scarf.


Laila having dinner

Laila having dinner, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Laila applauded her delicious dinner.

Laila and Grandma Susie

Laila and Grandma Susie, originally uploaded by Salim Virji.

Grandma Susie came to visit, and brought lots of pinches!

Laila exploring the apartment with her elephant

Elephant safari!

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